I think Casino Royale is fantastic, but Eva Green is one of few faults I have with the film.īérénice Marlohe as Vesper for me, would make Casino Royale a much better film.Įdited by DamnCoffee, 06 March 2013 - 02:23 AM. She could've taken the character to so many more places.
Casino Royale spoof, actress Ursula Andress portrayed Vesper as a seductress. Personally, I think it would be a fantastic bit of casting. Vesper pushes the right button and brings 007 back, a life-saving procedure. I've always pondered over the thought of Bérénice Marlohe replacing Eva Green as Vesper in Casino Royale. Beautifully shot, beautifully acted, and Bérénice makes so much of a presence in that scene than I have to say that Eva Green doesn't achieve. However, Bond's scene at the Bar with Severine is my favourite scene of the film, maybe even in the entire series. I was shocked at how much of a presence she was in the final film, I wasn't expecting much from a 'French TV Actress.' That was my mistake, I apologise. One of the things that genuinely did surprise me about Skyfall was the performance of Bérénice Marlohe, as the seductive but damaged Severine.